TapeTrack Certification

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  • Certification
  • Informs you of any and all problems.
  • Will contact and notify all parties of complications if they arise.
  • Certifies that tapes have been destroyed.
  • Has the ability to self-certify or advise our team to monitor tape movements.

Your information is important and it's paramount to know your tape management is error-free. TapeTrack's Certification feature can issue regular certificates when everything is correct and deny certification when it's not. This way you're always safe when the auditor shows up.

If you're sending tapes to off-site vendors, there is a chance they won't inform you if there is a problem. Thankfully, TapeTrack's unique Certification feature will take over documenting and correcting the errors. It will let all vendors know that their work can't be certified should a problem arise. TapeTrack's certification component can even be used to certify tapes when they are destroyed and in the unlikely event that a tape is lost, it can create a death certificate for that tape. You can handle certification yourself or let our help desk staff monitor it for you.